Thursday, January 8, 2009


Yeah I have been waiting to use that as a title since I got to Cork, but thought it only appropriate once I had actually seen the town. Horrer once again struck today and I had another noooooo! moment when I reached the brewery and saw a sign stating in no uncertain terms "no tours" (noooooooo!). With that said I went to the nearest pub and drank my sarrows away (just kidding nana), I continued on with the rest of my day (a little more dead inside) which continued with a stop at another cathedral (woohoo). While I was going through this I thought it was probably best that I didn't get to go on the tour of the brewery since it ended with drinking then I would be going around the cathedral drunk (bad juju). This cathedral was cool becuase around the entire thing they had stained glass of the old and new testements, along with all of the zodiac signs (I got a free card with mine on it). After this it was time for coffee (seeing as I am not getting free breakfast here, boohoo) so I stopped by the local coffe station, which is right by the college (yes Cork College) so there were lots of students and it was nice to be back around mostly people your age. After this is was going to go to the public museum (having all of the history of Cork!) but got lost on the way and ended up on my way to the Cork city Gaol, which is a prison (no I did not get arrested I was going of my own free will). OK prisons are scary, and they are even scarier when they were made to look life castles but built in the 1800s. There were a couple of other visiters, but for the most part I was alone, in this giant prison (yeah). Although when I first entered I got to have one of my favorite conversations I have had many times since I have been in Ireland, it goes:
Me: Hello
Irishman: Hello, where might you be from? (seeing as they know I'm not Irish)
Me: California.
Irishman: Where in California?
Me: aournd SF.
Irishman: I know a fellow who lived in SF for a couple years. Lot colder around here then your used to I'm sure.
Me: yeah it doesn't get this cold there.
Irishman: colder now that it has been here for a long time. At least it is dry and not wet.
No joke, this is every conversation I have had so far to some varying level of degree. Cork reminds my of a small town (though I have never lived in one and can only imagine this is how it is). After the prison I went to the public museum (finally found it) where I would link it to a clip from Family Guy, but they don't let you go onto youtube here, so go to youtube and search something like family guy irish museum and it should come up with the clip of my experience at that museum. Following this was Cork College (really nice architecture) and this really cool modernist gallery (another nice building, but not crazy like the Tate Modern in London). Finally I wondered around to find some more abbeys and stuff. Going to go get some traditional Irish food soon and then an interesting pub.

Picture count: 625 (prision)

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