Sunday, January 4, 2009

Then there was one

I will cut to the case as I know you are all in suspense (all four people that read this blog), there was no Nicholas Cage siting, though I did think that I saw his maid go into the apartment (exciting). Today started off with a free tour of the city (oh the things you learn from lonely planet and your hostel), which is a tradition that was started back like 70 years ago by the mayor of Bath who wanted to get more people to come to Bath so he started to give free tours to entice people to come. This tradition is carried on today by volunteers who give free tours of the city, and the best part is that the pay attractions have to give you access becuase it is part of the tour (for free). Anyway, the tour lasts about two hours (two and 3/4 hours later) we got back to the starting point with about as much knowledge (and no pics of Nick Cage) as you would want on Bath. But the tour guide was good and humerous so the time went by. After this Tal and I decided to do the manlyest thing you can do in the winter time, have afternoon tea in an upscale tearoom (finally got my teatime). Ok, so we make fun of the English for having teatime, but in the winter time when it is about to snow outside you need a snack/warm/caffeine break to get you ready for the rest of the day. The perfect place for this was Sally Lunn's, which is famous for thier buns (quit like me) and their great decor. Well both are true, Tal and I sat in the Jane Austen room and I had the Bath Cream Tea (bun with cinnamon butter and clotted curds oooh), which was sooo good. Oh yeah and there was some tea, but that bun was really good. So we got warm, and then went downstairs to the bakery "museum" (one room much like the pirate museum in Salem only smaller if you can imagine). Finally, Tal and I thought it was time to go to the baths (considering this is Bath). The Roman Baths are pretty amazing considering they built them so long ago. Lots of pictures and wanting to get into the water. Oh side note, the one real bath they have in bath is closed (that was the nooooooo part of today) so Tal and I couldn't get our naked, brokeback mountian selves can dream. After the baths we walked the town, seeing this and that and then it was time for Tal to head back to the hostel to head back to London (the slacker hasn't seen any of it so he wants to go back early, yeah fine whatever I don't care). The fearsom twosome is once again a onesome (man my bed will be cold tonight), but tomorrow I think I am going off the beaten path (IE my itenerary) and going to Stratford-on-Avon (birthplace/resting place of Shakespeare) but only time will tell if I make it. Forcaste says snow, but I am hoping for sun, one never really knows.

Picture count: 450(no bath, noooooooooo!)

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