Monday, January 26, 2009


Yesterday we took the train to south Mumbai. First off, trains in Mumbai go everywhere, but they are nothing like what you would think a train is like, well they are in the sense that it is a train, but the way you ride is like nothing I have ever experienced. Even before the train pulls up to the station people start to jump off and try to get on. Once it is at a stop everyone pushes and shoves to get on before it takes off again. Once your on you have just the space that your body takes up and that would be it (and Shawn tells me that the train wasn't very crowded on that day). We got to Churchgate (name of the station, also where the last dance scene in Slumdog Millionaire takes place). We went to a museum (nice) and then a famous cafe in the south. After this is was time to get out of the heat, so we ended up seeing Slumdog Millionaire (even though I already saw it is the states I was down to see it again). Following this we walked down to look at the gate of India (which is a giant arch that sits on the edge of the ocean) and the Taj hotel (which some of you may know since it was one of the spots in the most recent terrorist attack, which they are still fixing some parts). More walking led us to the Queen's necklace, the most famous view of Mumbai which is a bay on which a lot of the sky line sits and then there are road lights that go along the whole path that look like a pearl necklace at night. After we went to a really good fish restaurant and then off to the hotel for some R&R. Today is the last day in Mumbai and then Shawn and I go our separate ways as I go back to Delhi and he goes to Ahmedabad, the trip get interesting.

Picture count: 1060 (inching up there)

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