Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ireland (the blackout tour)

Today was a comedy of errors, starting with the fact that a signal went out and I was unable to take a train from Bath to Bristol. Not to worry, they ran buses there instead (they just took a little longer) and a few minutes later I was in Bristol. I wondered around this town, and finally ended up at the suspension bridge (this is the most famous part of this town) so after taking some pictures of this I continued on my journey. After Salisbury and Bath, Bristol is just not that exciting (no matter how much the guide books try to hype it up or how much you love suspension bridges) there are some cool buildings, but nothing comparing to other cities. I did get free admission into this Gregorian house (nice) and for being free I got what I paid for (no it was great actually). Lunch in the town square and then back to the train station to catch a bus to the airport. Bought my ticket and was on the bus with it starting to pull out when the cashier that had helped me flagged the bus down and run on. I had forgotten my debit card at the couter (or I think she didn't hand it back to me) either way a special prayer to the unknown cashier who flagged down the bus and got me my card (I wouldn't be very happy now without it) keeping double eyes on it now. Got to the airport (which was rather nice unlike one outside of Paris that was a barn with a landing stripe next to it, no joke) and got through security. Now I know that flights between Bristol and Cork are not many (many would be an exaggeration) but on the little tram ride over to the plane you start to realize that out of all the jets on the runway they are heading towards a biplane (yeah thats right). Now I have never flown one of these craft before and I must say it wasn't to bad. It is a small plane and just exhaling can send it of course (but luckily no turbulence). Got to Cork and realized that my water bottle (which I always check excpet this time) had leaked a little and my bag was kinda wet (no big deal). Got to hostel, going to take a shower and go get a pint (it's Ireland). Oh the title refers to the fact that this may be the blackout tour (seeing as the Irish love to drink) only time will tell. And my internet is free (doing a little jig) so I don't feel bad about spending time writting this blog.

picture count: 515 (Bristol is not the beautiful inspring landscpae you would think it is)

Note of the day: The reason crazy people like Hostels- there cheap (and we know crazy's don't have a lot of money). Rooms have lots of people in them, no tvs, mini-bars etc. so they have plenty of people to talk to. If they are not into talking the ears off other guests then they can complain to the staff about little things other people wouldn't notice or don't care about. And this is why crazy people love hostels.

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