Saturday, January 3, 2009

All those who wander...

Today was Shabbat (Jewish Sabbath) meaning that Tal could not travel by any means of modern convience, carry items on him and many other things that would have meant we could have gone anywhere out of Salisbury (much like being Amish for a day) so we walked around Salisbury. This was the plan all along as I knew that Tal wouldn't be able to much but walk today and the town of Salisbury(yes like the steak and no I didn't try to order one) is quit quaint, and when I say town I mean city becuase that is technically what it is, but only becuase it has a cathedral (true story). We started off with the Cathedral, which has the largest cloister in Britain (yeah big cloister, you know what that means) and also houses one of the four original documents of the Magna Carta (woo). After this we strolled through the town (city) and found a Sunday market with all kinds of stalls much like a flea market and stopped for a cup of hot chocolate (seeing as it is freezing) and were even told by the locals that this is a particularly cold winter (oh great). After this we decided to head off into the countryside just to wonder around. Hours later (hours...) we stumbeled unto the castle ruins I talked of yesterday, the name is old Sarum (you think I would have remembered becuase it has the word rum in it). This is where we thought would be a good place to break out a bottle of wine and fight the cold (and thats what we did). Interesting side note, while we were at old Sarum yesterday the staff told us that two days ago Nicholas Cage was there with his family and bought one of the replica swords they have in the guest shop (oh man Nick Cage, huge man crush). After this we went to the Haunch of Tourin for a pint and to see the mummified hand (not really mummified, but still a old hand) cut off by Butchers in a crazy card game. Finally the sun went down and Shabbat was over, you have to wait till you can see three stars in the sky (and thats no easy task in England, where it is foggy). Hopped a train to Bath (like wife of Bath and Roman Bath) and that is where we hang our hats tonight. Interesting side note, our room mate (well one of them) told us that Nicholas Cage has a house here (woot!) so there could be some stalking tomorrow along with the site seeing. Plus I am going to take a bath tomorrow (one way or another).

Picture Count: 400(working on it)

Rant for today: trains have lots of loud, crazy, annoying people that make it hard to sleep, plus there are some loud girls talking as I write this in the hostel right down the hall. Sometimes you just really hate people. Good night everybody!


shawnkumarjain said...

dude, this blog is so fucking entertaining...please write more often....haha..salisbury steak....i chuckle each time i read one of your entryies...i think u should go into travel writing or something. actually, don't take career advice from me. you'll regret it.

don't get a fat head either because i'm complimenting you either, n. chaney. don't "try" and be funny now. then you won't be.

we'll start working on our sitcom soon ;)..haha

shawnkumarjain said...

i can't believe i just misspelled entries. am i you now?