Friday, January 2, 2009


The first bus to Stonehenge leaves at 10:10, which meant that Tal and I could sleep in a little and catch up on sleep from the night/day before. Today was much better, no hicups like the day before and we got to see Stonehenge! It is one of those sites that you have seen pictures of all your life, but it is hard to believe that you are really seeing it when you're there. I got lots of pictures in and took several priceless films I will have to screen when I get back. The word of the day was hengey...(I'll leave it at that). The other part of the ticket addmission we got was a random place called...well I don't remember the name right now, but it is the ruins of this old castle on this hill where William the conquorer and Henry II lived untill it feel into disrepair. Very nice, it is flanked by beautiful English countryside (yes the kind you imagine when you think of England). Tal and I enjoyed this and ended up just roaming through the countryside for a while before realizing that we had not booked another night at this hostel and needed to get it before they filled up. Going out tonight to the pubs to drink becuase it is Friday!(woohoo) and there is this one pub that has a mummified hand (some cheatert that was playing poker) that we are going to checkout. Everyone have a good Friday and have a drink on me!

Picture count: 380 (hengey!)

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