Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sleep Train

For the third day in Delhi Shawn and I went to India Gate (a giant arch in the middle of the city) and we walked there (which in Delhi is a feat in and of itself). After this we stumbeled around for a while trying to find the national museum (of which everyone told us different directions) but we finally found it and went inside. Needless to say it was a nicely run government museum (and list one thing that governments do well), but there we some nice exhibits and this really cool one on Faberche (I have no idea how to spell this but it's the Russian egg thing). Following this we went to this really cool market that has food from all over India and a bunch of stalls with craft wares. This was soon to be replaced by hookha smoking (oh yeah) where they run the hookha smoke through redbull instead of water (very interesting taste). Our train was not until 10:30 so we had time to kill and were gonig to see a movie, but no times worked so we ended up in the swanky mall kiloling time (much like everyday of high school). Finally it was time for the overnight train to Jodhpur. Never been on an overnight train before and it does take some time to get used to the constant moving back and forth but when I woke up we were in Jodhpur. Got to the hotel (no easy feat) and are staying in the Golden Hut room (interpret that as you will), there are mirrors on the cieling. Today we went to a local palace and then hung around a market (lazy day I know) but we are both trying to get over colds and have been going non-stop since I got to Delhi. Really exciting day tomorrow, but you will have to wait and find out on the next post. Goodnight , and good luck!

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