Sunday, January 18, 2009

Nathaniel of India

Today we went to the fort here (bright and early) which was really cool. Lots of nice colored glass windows and you could see all of Jodhpur (blue city), which is really blue. After this Shawn and I went to go on a camel (no not like cigs) ride in the desert. That's right, ultimate tourist thing to do and I got Shawn to go along with me. Needless to say, I know that all of you may think that camels are the fastest form of transportation, but there not. They move quit slow actually (not seeing how Lawerence did anything in Arabia, hence the title). We had a hour and a half ride to this remote house, where we had lunch and chilled for a bit and then rode back. Now I'm not saying that the camel seat was uncomfertable, but after a couple of hours on the back of that animal and you bum hurts like nobodies business. Plus the saddle hits in your man parts and that seems to be sore as well (ah the prices you pay for tourism). The other funny thing of today was trying to find sunscreen (of which I forgot to bring). You see Indian people don't need sunscreen and thus they never buy it, so the only bottle we could find was like two years old (yes most likely useless), but its seemed to do the trick. Tomorrow it is off to a new city and more lovely forts.

Picture Count: 891 (moving up there)

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