Monday, December 22, 2008

Hitting the brick wall

It has just occurred to me that I am leaving in six days (silently screams in head). There are still several things I have to do before I leave and nothing has really been done in the last week, seeing as I had my final final of college on Friday, of which I had been studying for intensely (ok not really) all week. On top of that there were two Christmas parties (yes I must be getting old if I am going to Christmas parties) that I went to that thoroughly made me unproductive. On the list of things to do is get a hair cut. For those who haven't seen me in a while the hair is getting long (some might even say the ponytail is back) and needless to say hair that takes several hours to air dry is no good for cold days, so I need this rugged mop on my head trimmed up. I really only want to take one bag with me on the trip, seeing as most of the time I will be in a new city every day. With that said, it is going to be tight trying to fit everything I need into one bag, and with the nice new airline regulations about liquids (which make me feel so much safer about flying) I will either have to check my backpack or take a small bag to put all my hygiene type stuff in (as on the way back from Brazil I kept these items in my backpack and they were confiscated before we got on the plane, which trust me, the last thing you want to do is take away a man’s deodorant, toothbrush/paste, and cologne when he hasn't showered in two days. Oh the poor people on the plane next to me). Tal and I have still not even decided where we are going to meet up once he gets to London, though the basic skeleton of where we are going has been determined, more to follow tomorrow. Shawn and I talked today and got the main portion of the India leg of the trip figured out and I will post this soon as well. Shout out to Shawn for being my personal travel agent in India (really takes the pressure off). Five days to go, of which one is Christmas, my Christmas wish is to get everything done that needs to be done before Saturday comes. Please help me baby Jesus.

For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move. -Robert Lewis Stevenson

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