Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Hey everyone, just wanted to write real quick and say happy new year! Tal got here and I found him (I know I amaze myself). I got up this morning and thuoght I should at least ask my hostel if they had any cancelations, becuase online they are booked full. Not only did they have one, but it was in my room (wow) so Tal and I are bunking together (it is PCS all over again). Tal should get down on his knees and thank the stars he has me becuase I am his savior when it comes to housing. Finally got to th London Eye today, but of course it was the first foggy day we have had since I have been here (it's ok I still got to ride the wheel) though there was this one family and these screaming kids the whole time (damn foreigners). After that it was off to the Tower of London (heads did roll), which was really cool. A must see in my opinion for anyone coming to London. It is a bit on the expensive side at 14£ with a student id (being a student finally came in handy), but it is a cool misture of castle and history and you get a free tour by a beefeater (yes like the gin). Following this was a walk along the Thames to the globe theatre (like in Shakespeare) though the original was torn down by (yes our founders) the Puritains (good old non-theatre loving people). The tour for this started late and I barely made it to the station to meet up with Tal, and had I not we would never have found each other (;)). With that said, we are off to the Thames to see fireworks being shot off of the London Eye. Should be fun. Have a safe and fun New Year everyone.

Picture count: 293 (but some will be taken later tonight)

Rant for today: people with video cameras that take video of the stuff on their vacations. When are you going to watch this stuff and what poor unsuspecting sap is going to be fored to watch you in the london eye video tapping the city. Unless your a paid movie director, leave the camera at home!

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