Sunday, May 3, 2009

Shawn Nathaniel Barcelona

You knew that I had to do that title. So for all you not in the know, I got a job and am celebrating with one last hurrah, seeing as I am currently in Spain, Barcelona to be precise, if you couldn’t tell from the title. So lets see, my flight left out of SFO at 7:45am (thank you Cuyler for driving me), which was good because it meant I didn’t really get any sleep the night before, and seeing as there were two (yes two) babies around me I thankfully slept almost the entire trip. Landing in JFK was cool because you can see the New York skyline when you land, the bad part was that my flight got delayed by an hour and a half, but then I got to see the skyline at night, so that kind of made up for it (not really). Sat next to the most interesting older woman on the plan (she has been everywhere, really) more stories to come when I get back about my cougar attracting powers. Landed in Barcelona, had to fill out a health survey (because we were leaving a country that, you guessed it, is infected with swine flu, I hate pigs!). Got to hostel, weather was gorgeous and slipped into some shorts and sandals and hit the road to La Ramba (the old city). Went to a cathedral (my favourite) and did about 3 miles of walking (yeah all on very little sleep). Came back and took a shower and a much needed break before waking up to my roommates (got to love hostels). Two of them are from Austria and invited me out for the night. I don’t know if anyone noticed, but this post was posted around 4:30am our time. I will let your imaginations do the rest. Anyway off to bed, but tomorrow is a beach day (yes!) this is a vacation after all.

Picture count: 65 (not bad for half a day)

P.S. Spain is the land of PDA. I know it is a cultural thing, but I have already needed to throw up several times do to the amount of smooching and hugging that goes on here.

Nathaniel out!

1 comment:

Mac said...


Awwww snap. I need to roll with a chica there. Maybe some salsa dancing in middle of street time. hahaha