Monday, May 4, 2009

Life as a beach

So for a beach day, I ended up taking more pictures then yesterday and walked even further. Started off the day right, free breakfast (even though I know it is included in the price of the room, don’t ruin my fun). After this I was off to the beach, but got side tracked along the way. Ended up getting off the metro at the Arc de Triomf (yeah they have one in Barcelona too) so now I have seen the one in France and the one in Spain, though the one here is red and smaller (hmmmm). After this took a stroll in this huge park and just stumbled onto a giant fountain with dragons in it and a woolly mammoth statue. After this I wondered on down to La Rambla (yeah I have been spelling it wrong the whole time). On the way, had some churros and chocolate, today’s thanks goes out to Kenneth, who suggested I get that while here). It is like hot chocolate (but real hot chocolate) and then fresh churros, needless to say very good. After this kept trying to head to the beach, and after an hour of roaming around, found one. Let me just say, what they say about European beaches is try (but you have to take the god with the bad) and that’s all I’m going to say about that. Now yesterday one of the guys in my hostel said that the first beach wasn’t that great because it had fake sand (as in it was not a real beach before the Government hauled in sand to make it one) the sane at this beach is bad, it sticks to your skin and is the really big black flake stuff. Needless to say, I was covered from head to toe with black flakes and probably looked like a leaper or something, but I have officially swam in Mediterranean (sweet). After this just took it easy and mulled around checking some of the cool buildings in the finance district and elsewhere. The night is still young, there is trouble afoot.

Picture count: 130

P.S. If you read this blog, you should become a fan if you have g-mail, just to make me feel special if nothing else.

Nathaniel out!

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