Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bye Bye BCN

Every city has a rhythm, well multiple rhythms that make up the tune of how life is lived. There are the bakers and executives that get up before dawn, and then the old and young, people going to school. Then there are the visitors, these have different rhythms as well, the people who are going on cruises, people leaving for the airport in the morning, and then there are the hostellers. I finally found the rhythm of the hosteller on my second day. What you do is see as much as you can between the time you wake up (hopefully before breakfast ends at 10) and the time you realize you haven’t had enough sleep to warrant trucking through the city for five hours. That is when you stumble back to the hostel and take a well deserved nap (from around 5-9pm). You can’t sleep longer then around 9 because this is when the people (other hostellers) start to drink in the common room (which is right downstairs from my room) and is also when you mingle with the other travellers (drinking, singing songs, and carrying on). This goes on from 10-12pm or whenever the hostel tells you you have to leave because your making too much noise. It then moves out into the streets and you migrate from the hostel to Barcelona centre where you will search for the club/bar you want to frequent. We went to a bar named Apollo (think that is how it’s spelled) got there at 1 and it was dead. Not to worry though, the rest of the people hadn’t come yet, and by 2:30 it was a fire marshals worst nightmare. Rinse and repeat.
Yesterday I went to see the other famous cathedral in Barcelona Sagrada Familia (http://blog.hotelclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/sagrada-familia.jpg) see the link for the picture. Then headed on over to this really cool public park called Guell Parc, which is nice and outdoors, if you hike to the top then you can see views of the whole city, and there is lots of cool buildings (I have pictures). After this stopped off from some seafood payeya, very good, and then wandered into this open market, with every fruit and vegetable and meat you can imagine and stocked up on some needed fruit. Then it was off to the museum of modern art, cool building and a roam through the south-eastern part of Barcelona. After that it was back to the hostel and rinse and repeat. My flight for Madrid leaves at 8:40 so I need to stop writing this and check out of the hostel.

Picture count: 180 (getting there)

P.S. Requests for an itinerary so here it is:

May3-6: Barcelona
May6-8: Madrid

I fly back on May 8, to Dallas and then from Dallas to SFO arriving at 9:30pm.

Nathaniel out!

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