Thursday, May 7, 2009

Missing flights and other travisties of travel

Well everyone has there “I was on the train and it stalled out and I missed my flight story” and this is mine. So when checking out of the hostel I asked the person if I could catch the airport bus at the same place it dropped me off and he said I could but that taking the train from the station closest to the hostel was cheaper and faster. By the time the train came I was on a tight time frame to get to the airport, but still doable, until the train stalled out three stops from the ariport. I ran to my terminal (the farest from the train station) only to be told by the guy at check-in that I needed to be there 40 minutes before the flight left (it was 35min before my flight). I had to go and get a seat on the next plane and the reservation person even said she was surprised they didn’t let me check in (thank you veuling). It only cost me 10 euro to get on the next flight so that wasn´t bad, but I would miss Shawn at the airport, which would only complicate things. Long story long, got the flight, met up with Shawn at the hostel and what could have been a really bad situation turned out to be fine (woot!). Shawn and I went on a walking tour yesterday of old town Madrid (saw lots of stuff, took some pictures, not really going to list it all now) and then came back and rested at the hostel for a bit (seeing as Shawn had just got to Spain yesterday). Then went out on the town for some much needed corousing. Anyway it is getting late in the morning and we need to go tour some. More to follow.

Picture count: didn’t check my camera before writing this, probably something around 210 or so.

P.S. Renate, had some gazpacho yesterday just for you (and it was yummy and refreshing, thanks for the tip)

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