Thursday, September 16, 2010

Finally Internet

So I wanted to blog everyday that I was here, but with the Bicentenial going on there have been random shop times and many events going on that make that difficult. As I am sure people can guess we made it here and I have not been kidnapped by a drug cartel...yet. The plane ride was interesting, seeing as we were the very last row, Alex was chill about getting us on the plane and almost all of the overhead space was full, but we crammed our bags in and were seated right next to a baby (oh my luck), it was actually pretty good though and slept most of the time till the end. A stop over and three hour bus ride later and we finally got to Q-town.
That day we spent wandering around the town and then metting up with some of Alex´s freinds from school. The next day it was off to rent a car and go to a couple of close by towns. Now one would think with a car and a GPS system one could get anywhere, well guess again. The GPS needs to work, that is a crucial part of the plan. The car´s power outlets didnt work and half way to the town we wanted to go to it died...four times stopping to ask for directions and we finally made it to the town. Short visit and then back to Q-town to get ready for Bicentenial. It was pretty cool, lots of fireworks and the longest national anthem I have ever herd personally.
Notes on the trip: it is not smart to leave the windows open to the car while driving through the country as a wasp my fly in to your shirt and sting you...true story. Luckily this did not happen to me it happened to Alex, but all I herd was it hurts it hurts and her rubbing her back. I thought she was getting desert fever. But stopping off to the side of the road, yet there was a wasp. More to come.

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