Saturday, September 18, 2010

Getting there and back

The fun of having a GPS that is broken, or that you think is broken, is that you get to go back to the car rental agency to try and get another one. We found out on Thursday that it was not the GPS that was broken, but the outlets in the car itself. Half-hour later and a new car (having to go get anther car was not on the books and set us back a bit) and of course, once we get the new car, the rental place says they don´t have a ticket for us to get the new car out of the parking lot...what?! That was another twenty minutes, but we finally got our pass, turn the car on, the check engine light comes on. Alex "No, we are not going back". We finally got on our way to San Miguel (yes Alex, I know I am not spelling it right), we drive down the road, stop at a gas station to check the water and oil levels, nothing out of the we just said screw it and kept going, oh to be young.
A couple hours later and we are in San Miguel, but it took us another hour to get from the enterance of town to the parking lot (true story), see there is this little event going on down here called, oh what was it, oh yeah, BICENTENIAL, that makes every place crazy. FInally get to the parking lot, get parked, it is now 4 in the afternoon and we are supposed to meet people back in Q-town for diner (yeah that didn´t happen). San Miguel has a really cool church, so we checked that out and then walked around the town to stumble upon a parade in the works. Seeing as we have nothing else to do, we hangout to see what it is going to be. Yeah it is a re-enactment of the independance movement and the revolution (good videos of my trip to Mexico). There were lots of running horses (some people fell off their horses and seeing as we were at the turn in the parade a couple hours got really close to breaking the parade line...hmmmmmm) and angery villagers yelling "Viva Mexico". After the parade we go back to Q-town (check engine light off now, yes!). For dinner Alex took me to this really good Torrta and tocos place, where we stuffed ourselves and then finally made it back to the hotel (more then twleve hours after we left).
The next day was our long day (what?!, yeah I know) and the day we most needed to GPS becuase we were driving south close to Mexico City to see the second biggest pyramid in Mexico. So we get on the right freeway to get south, turn the GPS on and get going to Tuatitichan (not spelled right either). Somewhere around Mexico City (it is 1230pm and Alex says we should get there by two thinking we might get lost a bit) the GPS apparently has a meltdown and we end up in the middle of random (I´m just going to say no where) Mexico subburb of Mexico City. We finally stop for directions and the man laughs becuase we are no where near where we need to be and even further from a real freeway (this is the point in the day where Nathaniel says he will scream if the GPS says one more word). Finally get back to a semi-big road to get back to a freeway, people are cutting us off from another lane and Alex says she needs something to throw at the next car that try´s to cut us off, true story. The next set of events invlove going down a one way in the wrong direction, looking at four lanes of oncoming traffic all headed at you, the correct direction we need to go, and Alex saying "don´t freak out for the next four seconds", Nathaniel covers his eyes and prey´s. Finally see signs for the pryamid and get there, it is now 330, and we have been in the car since 11 (think about that).
Got into the pyramid, it was pretty cool, but you have to walk a ways till you get to it, go through the courtyard and stuff (side note, earlier Alex and I note that it looks like it is going to rain in Q-town and niehter of us decide to bring a jacket or umbrella, I think you know where this is going). About halfway up the pyramid it starts to sprinkle, but then stops. No big deal, about three steps on the way down (these are not easy small steps) it starts to pour, that is not where you want to be thirty stories up on a thousand plus year old pyramid with it raining (oh yeah and Alex and I have both chosen sandels as our pyramid hiking shoes). We both made it down that´s all I can say.
Due to the rain and the wind, Alex catches a chill, so on the way back to Q-town she cranks the heat and I build up three layers of sweat as I drive (longest drive EVER!).
All said and done each day was an adventure, but it was a lot of fun and I got some great pictures. We are now in Toluca getting ready to head to the airport and fly back.


P.S. This was writting on a system that highlights every word I wirte as being wrong, so I am sure there are lots of errors, deal with it.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Finally Internet

So I wanted to blog everyday that I was here, but with the Bicentenial going on there have been random shop times and many events going on that make that difficult. As I am sure people can guess we made it here and I have not been kidnapped by a drug cartel...yet. The plane ride was interesting, seeing as we were the very last row, Alex was chill about getting us on the plane and almost all of the overhead space was full, but we crammed our bags in and were seated right next to a baby (oh my luck), it was actually pretty good though and slept most of the time till the end. A stop over and three hour bus ride later and we finally got to Q-town.
That day we spent wandering around the town and then metting up with some of Alex´s freinds from school. The next day it was off to rent a car and go to a couple of close by towns. Now one would think with a car and a GPS system one could get anywhere, well guess again. The GPS needs to work, that is a crucial part of the plan. The car´s power outlets didnt work and half way to the town we wanted to go to it died...four times stopping to ask for directions and we finally made it to the town. Short visit and then back to Q-town to get ready for Bicentenial. It was pretty cool, lots of fireworks and the longest national anthem I have ever herd personally.
Notes on the trip: it is not smart to leave the windows open to the car while driving through the country as a wasp my fly in to your shirt and sting you...true story. Luckily this did not happen to me it happened to Alex, but all I herd was it hurts it hurts and her rubbing her back. I thought she was getting desert fever. But stopping off to the side of the road, yet there was a wasp. More to come.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Viva la Mexico!!!

So Alex has decided to kidnap me and steal me away to Mexico. Who is ready for tequila, cerveza, cuarto de baño, agua…alright we have exhausted Nathaniel’s Spanish words, this may be more difficult then first expected. Luckily I decided to bring a Spanish minor and former resident with me. As to where we are going and where we are going to be, I don’t know anything, this is my vacation (sue me).
So this is not completely true, we are going to a town called Querétaro, but I just call it Q-town. This is where Alex studied abroad for a year, so I assume that she has a pretty good knowledge of this area (but we will see). I will be posting more on an itinerary and what we will be doing on the day to day once we get there. Our flight leaves out of Oakland at 1:00 in the morning (oh good baby jesus (the j makes an h sound)). Then it is another smaller flight, and a bus ride till be get to Q-town. Let the vacation begin!