Monday, January 3, 2011

No Cuyler did not kill me

Sorry all for not writing in a couple of days, it has been a long trek for the new year with lots of surprises along the way. Let me see where did we last leave off. Oh right, so Cuyler and I got to see the Gundam and were in Yokohama after looking for our hostel for an hour and a half. So December 31st, Cuyler and I went to land mark tower, which used to be the tallest building in the world, but then Taiwan beat them (I have seen that building as well) and we got a great view of Mt. Fuji which was great. Kicked it around Yokohama a little longer and then jetted back to Tokyo to get ready for the long night ahead.
For those of you who do not know, Cuyler and I pulled a Mac on New Year's eve, which is to say that we did not book a room for the night with the assumption that we would be out so late that it wouldn't be worth it and then we would be leaving the next day to go visit friends. Back in Tokyo we dropped out bags off at the station and headed off to Harujuku (yes like the girls that follow around Gwen (shit I have no idea how to spell her last name)) singer from NO Doubt. Got some ramen there and then went to Meiji-ji to see the beginning of the new year craziness. After this the sunset, and we sent to hangout in a coffee shop to conserve strength and get pumped for the night to come.
Around 10 we went over to Tokyo Tower (much like the Eiffel tower, but one meter taller, where there is a temple around the base that had all sorts of food vendors set up and activities. Hung out there and had a couple of beers and then waited for midnight. At midnight the crowd released over a thousand balloons with new years wishes on them and tokyo tower had a light show. We then went into the temple and preyed for the new year. Now it was like 12:30, time to drink more and stand by the giant fire they had built in the center. Apparently on New Year's you can get them to burn charms and other such things for good luck in the coming months. This fire saved our lives as it ended up being quit cold that night. The festivities didn't end till around 2, but when the fire went out Cuyler and I new it was time to hit the road. Walking away from the temple toward the train station, we see a starbucks, I said it would be a New Year's mirical if the Starbucks was and to some wonderous occasion it was open! Hung at there until three and then headed to the twenty-four hour McDonald's (it was super packed (and not just with white people)) and crashed there for an hour before heading to Tokyo Station to grab a train at 7:30 headed for Shingu.
Six hours later, much of that sleeping by both of us, and we were in Shingu to visit our friends from years past. Maiko and Ken and, for my mom and dad, Keito!!!!! I have lots to tell you guys about them once I get back. We spent the rest of new year's day catching up on how people have been and going to temples to bring in the new year.
Next day, more temples and resting from the long days of travel and staying up. Tried to go by and see our host family, but they were out of town for the new year, next time I guess. Shingu was the tonic we needed to push through the next two days and finish with a bang. We are now back in Tokyo, saw Akihabara and several other districts today as well as rode a giant Farris wheel that shows most of the Tokyo Skyline. More to come but it is late and tomorrow is another busy day.

American Car count: 14

1 comment:

Alex Washburn said...

I can't wait to hear you both simultaneously tell your versions of the story of New Years while contradicting each other alllll along the way, interruptions included.

Hopefully you will both be hungry when you get in on wednesday so we can sit down to food and a few beers!

I had been worried about you guys because you didn't write anything starting precisely when you were most likely to get in trouble!!!

Ha! See you soon!
